Factions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard are communities gathered by a common purpose and moral. The world of Dragon Age is rich with diverse factions, each with its own unique history, beliefs, and goals. These factions shape the political, social, and magical landscapes of Thedas, the primary setting of the series. There are a total of 6 Factions in the game, 4 of them are debuting in The Veilguard, while fan-favorites, such as the Grey Wardens and the Antivan Crows, return from previous entries.

Rook, the main playable character in the game, can select between the 6 different faction origins available. This decision, will influence how NPCs and the world will perceive Rook, influencing conversations, interactions, and even gameplay to an extent.

Not only Rook has relation to the Factions in the game, all 7 Companions are also related to them, one way or another.


Factions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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Antivan Crows

Swift knives in the dark, these ruthless assassins are respected and feared as Antiva's shadowy protectors.

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Grey Wardens

An ancient order sworn to fight darkspawn & monsters. Wardens undergo secret rites that grant them supernatural powers.

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Lords of Fortune

Explorers, hunters, and treasure-seekers from Rivain who are famed for their daring exploits and narrow escapes.


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Shadow Dragons

A resistance opposing corrupt rulers and slavery in Tevinter. They are determined to bring justice to the people.

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The Mourn Watch

An elite necromantic order that tends to Nevarra's sprawling Grand Necropolis, where undead walk and spirits dwell.

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Veil Jumpers

Explorers of ancient elven ruins. They welcome anyone brave enough to face Arlathan's reality-warping magic.



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