Character Creation in Dragon Age: The Veilguard gives players the option to fully customize their character. Players are able to define a variety of features from creating their character ranging from the scars and tattoos, skin tone, the voice of the character, and more. From the previous game, Dragon Age: Inquisition, players can also choose between four races, the Human, Elf, Dwarf and Qunari, each of which has its own particular benefits and strengths. There are also three classes to choose from, the Mage, Warrior, and Rogue. Players can expect to see these classes and races back into this game, and maybe with an additional race or class will be added.

To learn more about each race and class, visit their individual pages below:


Dragon Age: The Veilguard Character Creation

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard you'll start playing as Rook, the protagonist. You'll be able to choose physical characteristics such as Gender (Male, Female or Non-Binary), Race and multiple appearance options. But also players can choose Rook's background elements such as 1 of 6 possible different origins that will determine a faction that Rook will belong to, affecting future dialogues and socials throughout the game. 

Dragon Age: The Veilguard will grant full-body customization options letting the player be precise by using triangular sliders for different body parts and types, including large characteristics such as weight and height, and more detailed one such as nose jobs.


Dragon Age: The Veilguard Character Creation Races

There are 4 races for players to choose for Rook, the classic races from previous Dragon Age games: Human, ElfDwarf and Qunari


 Humans are the most numerous and powerful race in Thedas. They are also the most divided politically and seem to thirst for conflict.


Elves are a historically oppressed people, distinguishable by their lithe frames and pointed ears. Though most survive in the poorest fringes of human cities, others live as nomads known as the Dalish.


Dwarves are short, stocky, and most spend their entire lives underground. Those living in exile on the surface are commonly merchants or smugglers.
Because dwarves have no connection to the Fade, they cannot be mages.


The Qunari are a race of horned giants who follow a strict religious text known as the Qun. Those who have abandoned its principles are known as Tal-Vashoth and often work as mercenaries.


Dragon Age: The Veilguard Character Creation Origins & Factions

Players will have to choose between 6 possible origins that will determine the faction which Rook belongs too. Each faction has an starting companion related to it, specified below.

Shadow Dragons

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A resistance opposing corrupt rulers and slavery in Tevinter. 1hey are determined to bring justice to the people.

Related Companion: Neve Gallus belongs to this faction.

Grey Wardens

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An ancient order sworn to fight darkspawn & monsters. Wardens undergo secret rites that grant them supernatural powers.

Related Companion: Davrin belongs to this faction.

Antivan Crows

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Swift knives in the dark, these ruthless assassins are respected and feared as Antiva’s shadowy protectors.

Related Companion: Lucanis belongs to this faction.


Lords of Fortune

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Explorers, hunters, and treasure- seekers from Rivain who are famed for their daring exploits and narrow escapes.

Related Companion: Taash belongs to this faction.

Mourn Watch

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An elite necromantic order that tends to Nevarra’s sprawling Grand Necropolis, where undead walk and spirits dwell.

Related Companion: Emmrich belongs to this faction.

Veil Jumpers

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Explorers of ancient elven ruins. They welcome anyone brave enough to face Arlathan’s reality-warping magic.

Related Companion: Bellara belongs to this faction.


Dragon Age: The Veilguard Character Creation Class Selection

Players will have to choose their starting class, which again are the classics: Warrior, Mage and Rogue. Each class has three specializations.


Warriors command the flow of the battlefield. Some lay waste with sword and shield, while others use a two handed weapon to send enemies flying.


Mages rain down fury with spells that incinerate, freeze, electrocute and crush. Some cast from afar, while others prefer close quarters combat.


The rogue’s hallmarks are quick movement and reflexes. Whether wielding a bow or dual swords, they use powerful, precise strikes for lethal damage.



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