
Bonus ???

Human is a Race in Dragon Age: The VeilguardHuman are the most common Race found around the world, but are also the most prone to conflict. Many Races inhabit the world of Thedas, and their culture and traditions, as well as their proficiencies and backstory, may impact the outcome of relationships, or the influence the player's character has over certain conversations.



Human Background in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Human background is as follows:

  • Human Background information coming soon!



DA: The Veilguard Human Bonuses & Restrictions:

All Humans share the same bonuses and restrictions:

  • Bonuses and restrictions for Human characters coming soon!


Dragon Age: The Veilguard Human Tips & Notes

  • Humans are the most numerous race that inhabits Thedas, yet only a few times they have been united under a single banner.
  • Human is the only Race that was an option for the playable character in all three previous Dragon Age games.
  • Notes and tips go here




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